Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 13th

What are three things you've learned these past two weeks, about life, journalism, people, etc.?


  1. I have learnt that "to learn" is an irregular verb in the English Language. You can use either "learnt" or "learned", but Americans prefer "learned." Loren Johnson didn't teach me that, but he should've. I had to ask Oxford Dictionary.
    I have learnt that the newbies are all wonderful, although they have yet to discover what true stree is. I cannot wait to see them devolve next paste up.
    I have learnt that room 530 hasn't had so much optimism within its walls for a very,very,very long time.

  2. I learned how fun math can really be. I also learned that learning is lifelong and that no matter how many photos I take, I still have an endless amount of things to learn. Lastly, I havent really learned it, but, if you didnt learn your one new thing today, practice what you have learned before until you learn another thing from it.

  3. well...

    from the last blog post, i learned that some folks know that i can be violent some times :)

    oh. and nicole is getting crazier each day. dear lord, she scares me.
    OH! lastly, haha i love studying :)

  4. What I have learned these things in the past 2 weeks:
    1. Life is amazing when you have best friends like the sophomore girls.
    2. We are amazing kids that can kick anyones butt anyday no matter what.
    3. Journalism brings people so close together that people actually get semi-uncomfy about how well they now each other. Like we kinda were in the begining of the year but now we're not.

  5. I have learned (or learnt) that over time, my need for a long, crazy night with over 30 of my best buds, grows exponintially. I have learned that people follow trends (gracie and her ahhh comments), that actions do speak louder than words and that those actions create grand friendships.

  6. First, I have learned that we live in a Patriarchal society. I have also learned that Laura does not like this, and would prefer to hide within the realm of her Joan of Arc dreams. I have also learned that Joan of Arc did really accomplish quite a bit, and would be a true badass if it weren't for one little fact: she's French.
    Most of all, I love everybody on Outlook, and I really hope Laura and all the Outlook females don't hate me. :)

  7. 1. People don't change Outlook, Outlook changes people.

    2. The computers are like a game of minesweeper. Guess wrong and someone will blow up on you (except Gracie, she's a dud).

    3. Lennon is like the Chuck Norris of Outlook.

  8. 1. Meeting my favorite author made me excited/scared/nervous/turned on all at once. Sherman Alexie's arms are very strong.

    2. My bunny is the best bunny.

    3. Don't accept Valentines from that 20-something in Spanish class. just don't.

  9. 1. bunnies suck the souls from innocent outlookers and turn them into zombies.
    2. the word "learnt," while correct in the english language, makes one sound dumb. like "i writ" as opposed to "i wrote."
    3. lesbians are weird

  10. Oh, and Reginald could beat up Joan of Arc any day. As I recall, the English won that war, Laura.

  11. A)I re-learned how happy it makes me to be around passionate people.

    B)Lennon is my new best friend.

    C)Foolish & charming are the best things a person can be.

  12. I have learned the basic steps of writing an article. That tutorial was really really helpful! Thank you Nicole! Also, I have learned that the outlookers are all super crazy but super fun at the same time and I am really looking forward to getting to know the Outlook family better! Lastly, I learned that there is a whole lot more to journalism then I thought there was.

  13. I've learned Nicole likes favoritism, she picks her favorites and then shamlessly reads the "cute" or "funny" blogs to the class; well us more average blog writers sit in the shadows sad that our "original" works are never noticed.

    I have also learned that the Freshmen boys write the cutest blog post (according to Nicole) and that they are the best of friends. I have to agree, that is quiet adorable.

    Third, I've learned that it's nice to refresh on things like angle, or article format, ap style vs. outlook style and such. Although I already know these things the bonding experience and the confused little faces make me realize... Journalism is the air I breathe, the food I eat, the reason I come to school and the real explaination of life.

  14. I recently learned that life is what I make it and rebelling isn't always such a bad thing.
    Journalism is something I really, really, REALLY like.
    People who frown a lot are not beautiful, and they are boring.
    But People surprise me all the time.

    Oh and don't mess with Benzy.

  15. 1. That the joy in this room is infectious, its the cancer that I am excited to expose myself to everyday, its the cranberry juice I don't mind being spilt on my theoretical white table cloth, its what makes me anxious and excited for every school day except Thursday.

    2. That I forgot a lot about journalism but most things just became second nature, don't worry newbies, it happens and you don't even notice it.

    3. That I love newbies.
    Seriously, they're the best Outlookers most of the time.
    AND that I have a new love for the E-Board.


  16. I learned that life is like a box of hypodermic needles. Sometimes you can have fun by donating blood to give to sick people but other times you get AIDS and die.

    I learned that frienddhip is beautiful, except when your friends betray you and steal your J camp girlfriends (Mebus, I'm talkin to you homes).

    I have learned that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you'll even tie, but no matter what you're doing you best not have a question mark in your headlines.

  17. PS ANDI IS MY NUMBER ONE BEST FRIEND. Just to clarify.

  18. i have learned that a, that the outlook is amazing, that b, the people in the outlook are amazing, adn c, that this is probably the best way to end the school day in the history of humanity's existance. :)

  19. I've learned a lot about people.

    When you try to eat lunch with the strange loner kid who's eating alone he won’t always want you to. He'll even go so far as to get up and walk away without saying a word.

    When you go down a pant size people notice.

    When you express your opinion (or ask Mr. Tovey a direct question) you have to prepare yourself to the consequences.

    When the sun goes down, you're not always the same person you were when the sun came up that morning.

    When you use words like "gutter," "refer," "text wrap" and "teaser" you have to be extra careful around Chris Putnam.

    When Hannah and Andi talk about cheese everyone smiles.

    When Ian talks about anything, Naomi drools a little (sometimes a lot).

    When you clean your closet with a good friend you find a lot of things you'd thought you'd lost.

    Today is a good day. Thank you Outlook.

  20. i have learned that a, that the outlook is amazing, that b, the people in the outlook are amazing, adn c, that this is probably the best way to end the school day in the history of humanity's existance. :)

  21. I have learned that coming into a new place can be a great experience. It can make you see things a new way, and break up an old cycle. Despite the change and new dynamic, coming into Outlook has been an amazing decision, and I'm glad to be a part of it. I have learned that big changes mean big experiences.

  22. I have LEARNT that Ian takes things from PHYSICS and uses them in OUTLOOK to make fun of me. He is low on material and, in his efforts to make me blush and get embarrassed, he just recylces things over and over again. This does nothing more than prove that he is a stupid boy who is no more than a mediocre antagonist.
    Ian, embrace estrogen, Joan, and variability. It'll do wonders for you.

  23. Wait, theoretical isn't the right word - but uhh, yeah. You get the idea.

  24. I learned a lot in my grammar lesson which was exceptionally helpful!
    I also learned that question marks in headlines are not acceptable, which i always thought they were because my 6th grade english teacher told me that question marks in headlines made people "interested"
    I also learned that blood is thicker than water : )
    at least thats what my grandpa always says

  25. Life: There is always time for a snack. Outlookers are always hungry.

    Journalism: Is meant to report on life, and is supposed to be non-biased. This country has freedom of press which means it is biased. No matter what.

    People: Cannot be read.
    The door to the Outlook room seems to transform many of the people who enter. I have noticed that i have gotten to know people better now that the walls are down.

    I had Gracie in spanish all year and i barely said two things to her. What a fool i was.

    Hannah and i are now best friends

    Nicole and i had about two conversations consisting of the answers to to homework or tests.

    Andy, i am not gay, but we can be best friends.

    Ian can be loud. I barely herd him speak before Outlook.

    Apparently girls think nick markman is attractive, which i did not know before Outlook.

    Laura hates anyone who has a penis. ;-)

    Much more is sure to come. Talk to me Outlookers. You know my email.

    P.s. i learned that Kev has big nipple hairs?

  26. I've learned that none of the newbies know how to speak proper English, and I will need to have one on one "grammar conferences" with all of them while Kev holds their arms behind their backs.

    Editors or experienced staffies will say nothing about their past experiences with grammar conferences. It's best that newbies experience them firsthand. Plus, you don't need to make them anymore afraid.

  27. I learned that there is a such thing as an interesting history documentary.
    I learned that red highlighters are a myth.
    I learned that AP bio is a love/hate relationship.

  28. Ian, I challenge you to a DUAL. Estrogen, Joan, England, and Laura can and will beat Testosterone, Reginald, Ianland, and Ian any day.

  29. I've learned that family isn't always who you are stuck living with.

    I've learned that no matter how much you trust someone, Outlook is always more trustworthy.

    I've learned that AP style is a smart thing to learn.

    I've learned that Ian will never stop drawing his faces.

    I've learned that some people will always be desperate, no matter how long you ignore them.

    I've learned that the counselors at this school usually do not know what is best for your future.

    I've learned more than that, but really I can't remember it all right now.

  30. I have learned much more than three things these past two weeks.
    But if I have to choose three, they would have to be...
    One: This is my first year on the Outlook staff and with the new semester brought me to learn that although people may leave, we will always be part of the Outlook and we are our own culture in this room.
    Two: All the newbies bring something new to our Outlook environment. Ana with her crazy amazing attitude and copy-editing skills, Lennon with his outgoing personality, Amanda and Xandra with their spunkiness and adorable outfits, Ben and Aaron with their dynamic duo-ness, and Rachel with her quiet yet cutesy personality. They all bring something to the table and we all welcome them with open arms.
    Three: I <3 the Outlook :)

  31. Spelling correction, Sir Ian:

  32. I have learned not to ever be sick and miss school for so long because..
    1.Nick doesn't believe me
    2.I hate thursdays because we don't have Outlook and of course the day I come back to school it's a thursday
    3.I have so much school work to make up

    Nicole taught the class the basics of writing an article, it was helpful. However, I missed most of it because I was gone.

    I've also learned to not take two vitamin Cs at once, my brother did that yesterday and suposivly one got stuck in his throat and burned a hole into it.

  33. I could say that I learned all about the structure of writing a news story, or some useful tips on what I should do when purple dinosaurs ambush and I'm only armed with a toothbrush, or I could say that I really didn't learn too much and I just got cake crumbs littered all over my hair. I think that even though I haven't learned really WAY too much over these past few weeks, I've made myself feel a lot more prepared over what's gonna be slammed on me in the coming weeks, months, and years. If Outlook had a boot camp, I'm sure that this was just it. What's perfect about these past weeks, however, is that instead of being verbally hammered by a general, I can be cordially welcomed by 30-ish people who are older than me and make me feel optimistic about what I'll be seeing in the coming time.

  34. Three things I have learned in the last two weeks:

    1. I love everyone. (I already knew this, but it solidified it)

    2. People are kind and care about each other. If you doubt this, you only need to spend more time in room 530. This room is full of love and happiness!

    3. Outlook=love

    <3 Gracie

  35. you can miss people even though they are right next to you
    it takes 8 minutes and 27 seconds for you to see the sun rises first light
    I want to see joan of arc kick reginalds ass just to show ian up, and Amelia Earhart is way cooler than both of those characters
    stephanie lynn... I hope to share more stories with you & I'm gonna miss your hugs during break
    I hate thursdays
    one of my life goals is to go see the northern lights
