Thursday, February 5, 2009

Febuary 6th

You can meet any person you want, but can only ask them one question.
Who is the person, and what would your question be?

Ian if you say General What's-His-Face, I swear to holy Reno...


  1. you have all met me.

    so step one down.

    now ask the question

  2. i would want to meet siddhartha gautama and ask him how he let go of everything. There is no way i could let go of some things.

  3. But If I Have to ask someone I don't know. It would be Richard Bach and I would ask him to a question that would make him teach me all he knows about writing.

  4. I would like to meet Thomas Jefferson.
    I would ask him if he puts out on the first date-- and I would use some hand motions to ask a second question. ;) (Winky face)

    If the answer is no, that that is quite a waste of time travel.

  5. oh dear lord.

    chris, you are so adroable :D i wish my man asked me the same question. micaela, you better hold on to your man GIRL.

    but yesssuh...
    i would like to meet God and ask him if im going to heaven.

  6. I would meet with my maternal grandafather and ask him, "How have you been?"


  7. I don't want to meet anyone. My life would not be significantly changed no matter who I met.

  8. "Person?"
    I think I'd meet Snoopy. I wouldn't ask him anything we would only sit on top of his bright red dog house, dirnk tea, and pretend to fly all day.

  9. ONE:
    Are you kidding me? It would be the lovely, wonderful, Amazonian, perfect Jeanne D'Arc. For all of you idiots: Joan of Arc. I would ask her the following: Why are you such a wonderful, perfect person? How did you ever find the courage to stand up in a chauvinistic society, declare your superior independence, and lead a gaggle of men into a battle of frenzied blood lust?
    Margaret Atwood: Why are you the amazing Author that you are today? What exactly about you makes you superior to anyother author that has tried to publish a mediokre novel in the past 50 years?

  10. I would want to meet Stephan Glass
    and ask him, how... in the name of HOLY JOURNALISM, he could fabricate and act as though journalism is some dishonest profession.

    I hate you Stephan Glass... I hate you until every last oz of newspaper ink drains from my body and blood and btw... ink doesn't really decompse unless it's computer ink... so a-hole even after I die; I WILL HATE YOU.

  11. i wish i could switch brains with Micaela so i could have chris to love me. He obviously has the equivalent of all the love in this room times two for her.

  12. i would definitely choose Bono. i would ask him: would you like a diet coke?

  13. I would go back in time to meet General Reginald P. Moneysworth, also known as the dude with the moustache and monocle that keeps spontaneously popping up on our whiteboards. He was an officer with the East India Trade Company while they conquered India. He won seven medals for valor in the face of adversity. One of them was for slaying thirteen enemies during teatime without spilling a single drop of tea. Yeah. Badass.

  14. Maybe Nikola Tesla
    The question is still in question.


  15. I would like to meet My great, great, great, great grandmother and see if I can find any resemblances to my living relatives.
    Oh, and ask her about sex. That would be an interesting conversation.

  16. I don't really know. There'd be so many people. I'd want to ask Jules Verne's favorite fish, and Socrates' view on the societal corruption of man, and I'd want to ask Shakespeare what his inspiration was, and I'd definitely inquire to Edward Teach about the location of his buried treasure. I'd probably have so many ideas that I'd just call up some Reno Sorensen and ask what he'd ask.

  17. If I could meet anyone I would meet myself in the future. I would ask myself if I had lived a good life, if I had been happy and if I had done everything possible to make the world see happiness and love.

    I hope I would say yes.

    <3 Gracie

  18. Oh, and I would ask him how he groomed his facial hair in such an immaculate fashion.

  19. I would want to meet nicole pinto (again)
    and ask her how it is possible to be such a strong professional figure while still being loving and beautiful.

  20. May I please meet a conglomeration of Edward Cullen, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Rochester, Queen Mary, and Joan of Arc? Please?

  21. I would meet Mahatma Ghandi and ask him to show me how to live my life by Ubuntu.

  22. Dear Jane Goodall:
    Humans or monkeys?

    Love, Hannah

  23. Person: My fist kid

    Question: Do you not like me because you have a heart defect and you have to struggle with it everyday like I do?

  24. I would meet the Colonel Sanders.
    However, there's just way too many questions that all of us need to ask this guy. This is a man who was able to shatter the expectations of what life can be and soar far and away from them. But how do you expect me to restrain myself to one question? I think, that with his supreme divinity, I'd need to find a way to cleverly knot them all up into one.

    I'd say, "Colonel, how can a man reach your level of happiness? Is because you've been recently rejuvenated as a cartoon? Is it because you can fool so many people to believe that you actually need that confounded cane while you can still swerve around and dance to the beat of a recent hit tune? Do you just find life to be too finger-lickin' good? How do you manage, Mr. Sanders?"

    ...only that would probably be a waste of my own time.

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  26. I would meet the future reincarnation of myself and ask if Bob Barker is still alive.

  27. If I could pick one person I would pick Anne Boleyn. I have always thought she was amazing until she actually slept with King Henry. She was always manipulating him with her "womanly" powers, receiving many elite abilities. When he finally was getting sick of her she gave it all up. How lame. Those past events lead me to my one question. How would she change certain events to keep King Henry interested, instead of him going for next whore on the dance floor? Seriously the guy was a big man whore!

  28. I would want to meet my dad's mom and ask her if she's happy in Heaven.

  29. Andi, I should like to meet you every day!

  30. I prefer a little mystery, but I would like to have a conversation with my cat Smokey. He then could tell me all about the art of stalking bugs and how my mom is doing. I miss my old Tom cat....
    then again I would like to talk to Nicole's mom. she must be a decendant of an Amazon Queen.

  31. If I could meet anyone I would want to meet Jane Austen to ask her what inspired her to write her books and if they are based on her own life.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. If I could meet one person I would meet the infamous Leonardo da Vinci. I would ask him about his most prestigious, priceless painting, the Mona Lisa, in hopes to put a stop to the endless controversy. I would ask him who was in the painting, if a real person at all. Hopefully this discovery would finally reveal the symbolism behind the work of art, while winning me countless Nobel Peace Prizes in the process.

  34. I change my mind! Screw Granny, I want to meet Aticus from To Kill A Mockingbird.
    Question: If old man Ewell had lived and succeeded in really hurting or killing one of your children, what would you do?

    That man never snapped, but that might have done it!

  35. I would meet my biological father and ask him why he abandoned me.

  36. Actully ...
    I want to meet Nicole, Gracie, Ian, Sarah, All of the editers again.

    Question: I don't know

  37. Hannah,
    Shall we meet after school...TODAY?

    PS. When I die, which I'm assuming to be soon since Loren pokes me at least fifty times with the sword, I would like to meet Loren in the after life. I would like to ask him why he chose to kill me? I know I'm terrible at writing... and I gots no grammar... But me? Out of all those infinitive splinting editors? Why Loren... why.

  38. This is a tough one.. I'm sorry, but I can't just pick one person!

    Person number one: I would have to say Louie Armstrong and I would ask him to perform all his songs right then and there just for me!

    Person number two: Frank Sinarta! Of course I would also ask him to perform every one of his songs.

    Person number three: Prince William. I would ask him to propose. I'm old fashioned so the man will just have to get down on his knee and ask because I'm not asking!

  39. Socrates:
    So what do you think of post modernization?
    wish philosophy was actually still here- instead of a loathsome chain of individuals trying really hard to think of something new to say on ethics.

  40. Alright, I've decided to reconsider because I actually have a soul and I don't really think i would want to throw something so serious away with the master of poultry.

    I THINK, that as an alternative, I'd sit down with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and ask him how we're all supposed to save ourselves from the endless amount of situations that we've totally screwed up in, as long as we're not too late.

    And if it WAS too late to save the world, I'd ask him if he could give me a ride in his wheelchair.

  41. Hannah Montana:

    Your secret to your undeniable success?

  42. This is actually Naomi,

    I would like to meet Nicole Pinto when she was a little girl, acting like Stalin and rolling in mud acting like a frog.
    I would like to meet Sarah Hiraki when she wore a tie to her school, like an american badass.
    I would like to meet Gracie Newman when she actually did not like someone and got mad.
    I would like to meet Ian & marry him.
    I would like to meet Kev before his nipple hairs got the best of him.
    I would like to meet Laura, before we became wierd/semiclose/i-kinda-hate-you friends in middle school.
    I would like to meet Loren Johnson when he wore a duct tape suit, held around a fish book and experienced the chocolate story AND the moose story. (Ask him about it.)

    I would also like to meet the author of Calvin and Hobbes.
